Rita Lavikka

Innostava Piilaakson ja Stanfordin ilmapiiri

Minulta on kysytty muutaman kerran reissuni aikana minkälaisena Stanfordin yliopisto näyttäytyy minulle. Tulen Aalto-yliopistosta Tuotantotalouden laitokselta SimLab-tutkimus- ja opetusyksiköstä, joten vertaan tietenkin ajatuksiani koko ajan tähän kotipesääni. Toisaalta täytyy heti todeta, ettei omenaa ja appelsiinia saisi verrata, paitsi vähän salaa, eikö niin? Aalto-yliopiston toiminta- ja rahoitusmallit ovat kuitenkin hyvin erilaisia kuin yksityisen Stanfordin yliopiston, joka on…

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Co-creation of Digital Services and Experiences in Silicon Valley

Design Thinking and Co-creation of Digital Services During my Stanford University research visit, I have had the opportunity to familiarize myself deeper with design thinking which in general seems to be a mindset that anyone can be a service designer by following a process for conducting the socio-technical design thinking in practice. The process starts…

Lue lisää Co-creation of Digital Services and Experiences in Silicon Valley 0 kommentti artikkelissa Co-creation of Digital Services and Experiences in Silicon Valley

Greetings from Silicon Valley, Stanford and San Francisco

Settling in the Silicon Valley Six weeks ago my family and I flew to Silicon Valley because my post-doc period at Stanford University was about to start. I am a visiting scholar for Professor Martin Fischer at CIFE (Center for Integrated Facility Engineering). We arrived before Christmas so that our kids would adjust to the…

Lue lisää Greetings from Silicon Valley, Stanford and San Francisco 1 kommentti artikkelissa Greetings from Silicon Valley, Stanford and San Francisco