
A business school student in a design school: tales from NYC


I guess a brief introduction is in place before I go further in talking about my experiences in NYC, so…hi.

No, seriously. Hi, nice that you found this blog and that you’re reading my first post here! My name is Miikka Lehtonen and I’m a PhD candidate at Aalto University School of Business where I am doing my PhD on visual and visualizing knowledge (you can find more info about my PhD in my blog). The reason why I ended up contributing to this blog is simple: I applied funding from the Tutkijat Maailmalle program and was lucky enough to be granted funding for two three-month visits to Parsons The New School for Design (NYC) and The University of Tokyo’s (Tokyo). Both are well known design schools/initiatives, and I’m really happy to be able to spend some time with these fantastic people in marvellous cities.

Right now I’m visiting Parsons (March – May), and during this fall I will be spending three months in Tokyo as a visiting scholar at During these visits I’ll be blogging about my PhD, things and people I encounter, and reflections on how these visits can help me in contributing to my home university (and also to the institutions I’m visiting!).

So stay tuned for more information from some of the best cities in the world, have a nice and relaxing Good Friday, and enjoy this hipsteresque picture taken from the entrance to my office at Parsons!
