Miikka J. Lehtonen

Mikä on kollegiaalisuuden rooli yliopistomaailmassa?

Japani on siitä kiinnostava maa, että täällä on samanaikaisesti lukemattomia yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia Suomen kanssa. Tarkoituksenani ei kuitenkaan tässä ole keskittyä listaamaan stereotypioita, vaan eroavaisuuksien kautta haastaa ajattelemaan kollegiaalisuutta yliopistomaailmassa. Eroavaisuuksiin keskittyminen voi toisinaan olla vahingollista, mutta periaatteessa paljon on myös asenteesta kiinni. Suhtautuuko eroavaisuuksiin kyynisesti vai uteliaisuudella? Omalla kohdallani ainakin uteliaisuus on melkein aina…

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Of blogs and Twitter in academia

Spring is finally here! So beautiful to see the cherry trees blossoming – in fact, it’s so beautiful that I almost can’t wait for all the hanami parties to start. And this is actually a lousy segue to my topic today, but let’s go with it anyway: academics blogging and tweeting. I know, it does feel…

Lue lisää Of blogs and Twitter in academia 0 kommentti artikkelissa Of blogs and Twitter in academia

Visualizing knowledge in Tokyo

Hey there! Let’s start by setting you in the right mood. Come in, Tokyo! Get it? Hehe, so good. Now that you’re thinking about Tokyo, let’s get down to the more serious stuff. Basically my purpose here is to study visual knowing and knowledge creation with professor emeritus Ikujiro Nonaka’s wonderful colleagues. I’ve been studying knowledge…

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Taking stock #2: Tokyo and New York

Some three weeks ago I returned to Helsinki from Tokyo, and I have already written about my trip to Tokyo in my own blog, but I thought it might be worthwhile to reflect on my research visits to New York and Tokyo here. I was lucky to get funding from the Tutkijat maailmalle program to visit…

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Final day in NYC – some pictures

As I’m writing this post I have more or less 29 hours left in this fantastic city. Time has gone by insanely fast, but I’ve been lucky to have been granted with this possibility. Luckily I still get to spend three months in Tokyo this autumn, so you’ll be hearing from me soon! But let’s…

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A business school student in a design school: tales from NYC

I guess a brief introduction is in place before I go further in talking about my experiences in NYC, so…hi. No, seriously. Hi, nice that you found this blog and that you’re reading my first post here! My name is Miikka Lehtonen and I’m a PhD candidate at Aalto University School of Business where I…

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