As I’m writing this post I have more or less 29 hours left in this fantastic city. Time has gone by insanely fast, but I’ve been lucky to have been granted with this possibility. Luckily I still get to spend three months in Tokyo this autumn, so you’ll be hearing from me soon!
But let’s take a step back and recap what I’ve done here:
- Resubmitted an article manuscript (one of the essays in my PhD – great success!)
- Spent countless of hours on my PhD, and managed to write some twenty pages and revise many sections
- Networked with people from both academia and industry
- Collected additional research data (I <3 collecting data 🙂 )
- Organized a Finnish startup event together with my colleagues from the industry and the Finnish consulate
- Met fantastic people and got good friends
- Had fun!
While writing that list I finally realized that the saying ”1 NYC minute equals to seven seconds elsewhere”…or was it the other way? Either way, I have to say I’ve accomplished a lot while being here. And I love it!
With these words my reportage from NYC concludes – hope I’ve managed to inspire at least one scholar to come here. Finally, as if you already weren’t convinced, enjoy these pics from NYC